Monday, March 27, 2006


Today Ella is 6 months old. 1/2 of her first year is over. On March 27 of 2005, I was eating saltines and drinking lemonade in hopes that they would keep the nausea at bay. I know everyone says this, but I can't believe how fast the past six months have gone by. As I watched my baby girl kick and play and smile and laugh in her bouncy chair last night, I thought about how lucky I am to have her. I looked at Chuck and said, "Do you know what tomorrow is?" "Ella will be 6 months old!......Are you going to cry?" Yes, I was going to cry. Okay, I admit it, I'm a sappy mommy!! I just love my baby girl so much, and I can't believe how fast she is growing. Soon, she will be 18 and have a heart tattoo on her back with the name "Trevor" inscribed in the center.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, I want to know who this "Trevor" is???? Is he good enough for my grand daughter? He hasn't passed the Papaw test yet either!!!!