Monday, March 20, 2006

Baby girl slept through the night in her crib for the past three nights! This is a feat on two accounts. First, the fact that she slept all night three nights in a row is a miracle. I call sleeping through the night sleeping at least 8 hours. Ella slept from 9ish until 9ish two nights, and I woke her up around 6ish this morning to go to the sitter's. Second, sleeping in her crib in her own room is a new occurrence. Before she was born, I planned for her to sleep in her pack n play in our room for the first 3 months. Then, she turned 3 months and I wasn't ready to be so far away from her at night (about 20 feet away). I liked being able to peek over the side of the bed to see her peacefully sleeping anytime I woke up. I liked scooping her up in the bed with me for nighttime feedings. I liked co-sleeping with her on occasion. But, my baby girl is almost 6 months old, and I think it is finally time for her to sleep in her own room. Obviously, she doesn't mind a bit. I think she actually sleeps better in her crib. But, I am still a little nervous about her being so far away. I layed awake last night wondering if she was still breathing in there. Finally, I just had to get up to check on her. She was fine, of course. How she can survive being so far away is beyond me.

Ella sleeps best on her stomach. Now, before you judge me for putting my child to sleep on her stomach instead of her back, thereby sentencing her to death via SIDS, consider our situation. Either I lay her down on her stomach and let her drift to sleep peacefully, or I lay her on her back and listen to her cry until I pick her up. Ella doesn't feel secure when she lays on her back. Her arms flail, her legs kick, and she cries uncontrollably and consistently until I comfort her. If you are a mommy, you understand why I put her to sleep on her stomach. However, if you aren't a mommy, I know you are judging me for doing such a horrible thing to my child.

Aren't mommies crazy? First I thought my little baby couldn't possibly survive being away from me for more than a few minutes. Then, Chuck and I went out on our first post-baby date, and miraculously, Ella was alive and kicking when we returned home. I thought that she couldn't possibly survive by drinking formula instead of my pure, nourishing breastmilk. But again, she drank the formula down like it was the best stuff on earth. Well, Ella couldn't possibly sleep all night in the other room - so far away from mommy! Surprise, surprise - she was perfectly fine. Babies are much more independent and resilient than mommies think. Ella has surprised me time after time. She's growing up too fast. Next, she'll be learning to drive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not a Mommy, and I don't think you are horrible for putting her on her stomach. I support your decision 100%!!