Monday, August 29, 2011

August 11, 2011

Mollie - 4lb 10oz
Charlie - 5lb 6oz

August 25, 2011

Mollie - 5lb 6oz
Charlie - 7lb 1oz

I've been exclusively pumping and bottle feeding the expressed milk for about two and a half weeks now. The babies are thriving this way, so I'm just going to keep it up as long as possible. I'm pleased that the babies have gotten breastmilk for over a month now, but I never expected to have to give it to them this way. It is rough on me, but I want to do what is best for them as long as I can stand it. I'm down to pumping just 4 times a day, and I'm getting almost enough to feed them with the exception of one formula bottle a day. If there was just one baby, I'd have enough extra for a freezer full by now!

Friday, August 12, 2011

August 10 and 11 - Lactation Consultant and 2 week appointment

On Wednesday, I finally went to see a Lactation Consultant at Norton Suburban about my sore nipples. After speaking on the phone with someone at HMH on Monday, I tried to remedy the "nipple sucking" (meaning the babies only get the nipple in their mouth and not enough of the surrounding breast tissue) myself to no avail, so I made an appointment in hopes that we could get this figured out.

Unfortunately, when we arrived and evaluated, I was told there is basically nothing I can do about the "nipple sucking" except wait it out because their mouths are just so small right now. We did uncover a larger issue, though. The babies aren't gaining weight the way they should be. They had both basically maintained their weight from a week ago and hadn't gained back to their birth weights, which they should have by now. The lactation consultant said that because the babies are premature, they just don't have the strength or energy to successfully nurse exclusively. We should have been supplementing, but no one ever told us. Frustration about that fact aside, we were told by the lactation consultant to nurse, then pump and feed the babies the additional milk so they would both stimulate the breast and get enough to eat. After just one night of this ridiculous routine, which took at least an hour and then started all over again in another hour, I knew my sanity couldn't take it. We had to figure out an alternative solution.

I was incredibly discouraged because I really want breastfeeding to work, but with two preemies, I just wasn't sure I could do it any more. This brings us to the appointment on Thursday. The nurse practitioner and I discussed several possibilities and agreed that giving them breastmilk is best if possible. So, after weighing my options, I've decided to try pumping for most feedings until they are big enough to properly latch, but still nursing a couple of times a day to keep them familiar with the breast. This way, we know how much milk they are getting, and my nipples aren't so sore (although pumping doesn't help the soreness very much). Depending on my pain level and sanity, we'll try this method for awhile.
These are some of the pictures that were taken in the hospital by Bella Baby Photography. I couldn't believe the quality of these, especially since I was expecting the standard hospital pictures. The babies are 2 days old here.


I just love all of these!

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Charlie - 14 days old.

No more umbilical cords for these babies! Tub baths tonight!
The best big sisters two babies could ever want. :)

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Mollie - 12 days old - She lost her umbilical cord! Yay big girl!

Friday, August 05, 2011

Impromptu photo shoot with the babies.

We wanted to see how these two babies fit in my belly. It just seems impossible that they were both in there! No wonder I was so uncomfortable!


Look how tiny her little head is...
August 1 - The twins' first doctor's appointment.

We took the babies to the doctor on Monday for their one week check-up. Everything checked out just fine. Mollie weighed 3lbs 15oz and Charlie weighed 5lbs 7oz. That should have been about their lowest weight, and they should start gaining now that my milk is in and we are getting better at nursing.

Charlie looked a little yellow, so we were sent to get a quick blood test to check both of their biliruben levels. Thankfully, their levels came back low, so they are both great.

Our two week appointment is next Thursday.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Ella's first day of First Grade!!

She is so excited!
And happy!
She loved her first day, and is quite proud of being in the first grade. When she came home, Anna was bugging her (as usual), so she said, "Anna, I'm a first grader, and you can't bug first graders!"
July 30, 2011 - First sponge baths!

Mollie goes first, and she is none too happy!

Charlie is next, and he isn't happy about getting a bath either!

This picture was just too sweet. Chuck and his little boy. :)
July 29, 2011 - Babies are 3 days old.

We were all released from the hospital together on Friday. My greatest fear did not happen - I didn't have to leave my babies in the hospital without me. We are so lucky that our babies are healthy and happy!

At home with big sisters!

July 27, 2011 - Babies are 1 day old

Proud big sisters.
I love seeing everyone holding both babies at once. The expressions on each person's face usually says, "Wow, this is crazy!"

Mamaw Minnie
Papaw with all four of his KY grandbabies.