Ella's first two weeks were rough. We took several trips to the hospital and pediatrician because of her jaundice. Home health nurses came to our house every day and pricked Ella's little heels. By the time she was free of the bili lights, her heels were a raw, scabby mess.
Luckily, Grandma Minnie and Nana were there to help us out. Grandma Minnie came to help the very first night we were home and Nana came the next afternoon to stay several days. The first night, Ella decided it would be a great idea to challenge Mommy and Daddy by screaming non-stop for several hours. Grandma Minnie stayed calm and said that's just what babies do. I'm sure we would have called the doctor at 3am had she not been there. Then, Nana came to show us the ropes of parenting. We didn't know anything - how to diaper, bathe, dress, etc. Not to mention the fact that Nana kept me sane for that first week. Nana even rushed back several days after she went home because I was nearing a breakdown. What would we do without Grandparents???
Breastfeeding was a challenge at first, but we finally got the hang of it after about two weeks. The first month in general is a blur to me now. I think I lived on adrenaline and cookies for the first week we were home (Thanks to Mrs. Crone at Mercy Academy for the cookies!). No wonder I had a hard time getting my milk going. I was so stressed out that I barely remembered to sleep. I was ready to give up by day 10, but Chuck and Nana (my mommy) wouldn't let me. They encouraged me to stick with it; and I'm glad I did because in the next few days breastfeeding just "clicked" for both of us. I was able to exclusively breastfeed Ella for 5 months, and I'm still nursing her two times a day. I plan on doing that until she decided she doesn't like the boobie any more.Eventually, I began to get the hang of being a mommy. I could bathe Ella quickly and easily, I could change her diaper in the blink of an eye, and I could even get her to stop crying (sometimes)! I began to really like being a mommy!
Chuck was learning about babies, too. He was surprisingly comfortable with Ella, even though Ella wasn't very comfortable with him. Ella quickly became a "Mommy's girl," and would scream bloody murder when anyone else held her. Luckily, she's almost over this fear. At least her daddy can hold her now.
At 4 weeks old, Ella weighed 9lbs 15oz and was 22.75in long.
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