Saturday, March 25, 2006

Ella is officially sleeping in her crib all the time now. I'm even thinking of taking the pack n play out of our bedroom. Thinking about it. I'm also thinking about letting her spend the night with her Nana and Papaw (my mom and dad). Nana has been begging for Ella to spend the night basically since the day she was born. I had no idea it would be so hard to let my baby go for one short night! I will admit, Chuck and I need a break. We have barely had any time alone since Ella was born six months ago. The longest we have been together without her was about 4 hours when we went to see a movie when she was 6 weeks old. Yet, I am still hesitant to let her go.

Ella's second toof finally came through yesterday! Now she has both bottom front teeth. I will be so happy when this teething thing is over. Ella is so grumpy about her gums. Why can't teef come in without hurting? Oh well, 2 down, 24 to go!


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking Ella's Mommy and Daddy really need some time for each other....and Ella needs some time with her Nana, Papaw and Great Mamaw Harpool.... :-)

Anonymous said...

Well, I agree that Ella's mommy and daddy need some time together. And I guess since Nana and Papaw are actually family, that you guys can get her first, but I think Ella needs to spend some quality time with her favorite Aunt Katy and Uncle we get her second!!!