Tuesday, July 05, 2011

33 weeks, 1 day

Chuck and I made another midnight trip to the hospital last night. I started having contractions last night and they continued and increased for a few hours. So, we called mom and headed up to Louisville again.

After getting me all hooked up and determining that my contractions were about 5-6 minutes apart and not letting up, they wanted to give me the Terbutaline injection again. I was worried about the side effects, and after checking my heart rate (which was up a little), they decided to go with Procardia pills. The pills worked, and after prescribing an antibiotic for a possible UTI (maybe the cause of the contractions?), I was sent home.

So, while I suppose I needed to go in to get the contractions to stop, I just felt like a great big inconvenience to everyone involved. I hate not having control of my body, especially in the middle of the night when I know everyone would rather be sleeping than making arrangements to go to the hospital.

I need to keep these babies baking for at LEAST another week, four more weeks would be ideal. We have the BPP and growth ultrasound on Thursday, and I am optimistic that our little girl has grown adequately so they can stay in for another week.

1 comment:

Guyanne said...

Inconvenience you are not!!! I love you and am here for you. What ever it takes to get Charlie and Mollie here healthy and happy is what we are going to do!!!! Love you lots!!!