Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Saint Louis - Day 1, March 31

The drive was surprisingly painless and actually enjoyable. Anna chilled in style while Ella slept. Chuck and I belted out our favorite songs or took alternate naps.

Our first stop in Saint Louis - The Gateway Arch
"Wow, it's really tall Daddy!"
A view from inside the tiny little capsule that takes passengers to the top of the 630 foot arch. The arch also happens to be 630 feet at the base.
A view of downtown from the top.

Chuck and the girls looking out at the view. It is a little scary leaning down like that because you literally are looking straight down. Nothing, however, can scare Anna.A view straight down - 630 feet.

Anna cheesing for the camera.
The. Best. Mexican. Restaurant. Ever. Period.Swimming at the end of the day. The girls loved it. Anna was fearless of the water, as always. She walked off the steps into would-be nothingness (if we didn't catch her) several times. Ella tried to get the hang of kicking her legs to make herself move in the water. It didn't work out so much.
As day one ends, we are hanging out in the hotel room, preparing ourselves for the zoo, Aunt Lisa, and more adventures tomorrow!

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