Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I am sorry it has been over a week since the last update. Hey - Mommies get busy! My classes for the semester came to an end and I had an extremely involved research paper to write. Thankfully, I'm finished and can relax until my summer classes begin in June.

Ella is as wonderful as ever. She still has just two teef, but numbers 3 and 4 are going to pop through very soon. Teething has made her a little cranky, but Cleo was kind enough to cure her grumpiness last night. I'll tell you, that girl baffles us daily. Last night she thought Cleo was hilarious! Chuck would take her little hands and rub them on Cleo's fur and she laughed and laughed. Then, Cleo got up and walked around - that must have been the funniest thing Ella had ever seen! I'll admit, Cleo is pretty funny-looking, but this girl was in stitches over her last night!

Last weekend, Ella had a photo-shoot at Nana and Papaw's house. She took some risque pictures with a beer can that we will use to thoroughly embarrass her when she graduates from high school. The rest of the pictures are adorable. I'm not sure how this girl could get any prettier, but I think it will happen. Luckily, her great-uncle Jim volunteered to come help Chuck fend off the boys when Ella turns 16.

Favorite food: Bananas
Least Favorite food: Green Beans
New likes: tofu, carrots, peaches
New dislikes: green beans, peas

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That kid is entirely way too cute.