I'm sorry about the small lapse in posting last week. I've been busy!
We got some
teething biscuits for Ella on Thursday night. She took right to them and started chomping away and gumming them down! So, needless to say I was excited that she might actually want to eat something. I pulled out the pears again and tried to feed her some. She purshed her lips, turned her head, and cried. She wanted nothing to do with the pears. So, I tried some sweet potatoes. Same thing. I put some butternut squash in a
baby safe feeder because I thought maybe she would like to feed herself. She cringed, made horrible faces, and even gagged at the taste of the squash. Then I put sweet potatoes in a
tri-cut nipple. Yes, I actually put sweet potatoes in a bottle - I'm desperate! She sucked and sucked and I think she got just a little bit out. Apparently those tri-cut nipples are worthless because Ella can't even suck plain formula out of those things! I'm thinking of cutting the whole tip off of one of the nipples to see if she will eat the food that way. I'm also considering scraping our entire frozen stash of baby food and starting over. I think she may eat if she can actually pick up a piece of food, put it in her mouth, and chew. Maybe she just isn't into pureed food. Maybe she wants food like Mommy and Daddy eat. I have to admit, she did reach for the ribs Chuck ate last night, and she is very interested every time we eat. I didn't realize feeding a baby would be so difficult! I thought I would just blend up some food and she would love it and gobble it right down! Well, she proved me wrong once again.
I've learned to never assume anything when it comes to Ms. Ella. Here is a list of my assumptions that have been wrong:
1. I would have an easy, vaginal delivery.
2. Ella would take right to breastfeeding - no problem!
3. Ella would switch easily from breast to bottle.
4. Ella would be a fairly small baby.
5. Ella would enjoy eating - she is a "big" girl after all.
6. Ella would be able to wear newborn size socks and hats when she was a newborn.
7. I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now.