Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I am sorry it has been over a week since the last update. Hey - Mommies get busy! My classes for the semester came to an end and I had an extremely involved research paper to write. Thankfully, I'm finished and can relax until my summer classes begin in June.

Ella is as wonderful as ever. She still has just two teef, but numbers 3 and 4 are going to pop through very soon. Teething has made her a little cranky, but Cleo was kind enough to cure her grumpiness last night. I'll tell you, that girl baffles us daily. Last night she thought Cleo was hilarious! Chuck would take her little hands and rub them on Cleo's fur and she laughed and laughed. Then, Cleo got up and walked around - that must have been the funniest thing Ella had ever seen! I'll admit, Cleo is pretty funny-looking, but this girl was in stitches over her last night!

Last weekend, Ella had a photo-shoot at Nana and Papaw's house. She took some risque pictures with a beer can that we will use to thoroughly embarrass her when she graduates from high school. The rest of the pictures are adorable. I'm not sure how this girl could get any prettier, but I think it will happen. Luckily, her great-uncle Jim volunteered to come help Chuck fend off the boys when Ella turns 16.

Favorite food: Bananas
Least Favorite food: Green Beans
New likes: tofu, carrots, peaches
New dislikes: green beans, peas

Friday, April 14, 2006

Ella had a big day today!

Ella took her first trip to the Zoo today! Unfortunately, Daddy forgot the camera, so we have no record of the occurance. I guess next time will be Ella's second "first" visit for posterity's sake.

Ella also said her first word...."Da Da Da." I just want to let it be known that I really don't think she knows what "Da Da Da" means, so I don't think it should count in the Daddy hall of fame that she said "Da Da" before "Ma Ma." Besides, the pediatrician said that "Da Da" is easier to say than "Ma Ma." Plus, Chuck spent all last week saying "Da Da Da Da" over and over to her.

Fianlly, Ella is spending her first night away from home tonight. I thought I would be a wreck, but I'm actually having a good time so far. We went out for sushi then went to a friend's house to play a little poker. I know Ella is in good hands with her Nana tonight, so that sets my mind at ease. Now, if I can just make it through the night without her...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Food likes: Apples, Bananas, Pears, Acorn Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Apple slices, teething cookies
Food dislikes: Butternut Squash, Green Beans

Ella actually threw a tantrum the other night when I pulled her cookie out of her mouth! She screamed, cried, got all red, and just plain threw a fit. Don't mess with the girl's cookie!!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ella went to visit Nana and Papaw today! She had tons of fun playing with everyone. She thinks she is so cool with her sunglasses on.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Ella had her first injury on Friday. She was outside playing with Daddy and when they were going up the steps to get back into the house, Daddy tripped and fell. Luckily, Chuck received the brunt of the fall on his forehead, and Ella just got a small bruise from bumping her head against Chuck's. She cried for a little while, but is all better now.

Ella also tried a couple of new foods this weekend. We found that she really likes bananas and apples, but she hates butternut squash and green beans are iffy. So, I just threw out all of the butternut squash. She acted like she might die because it tasted so gross to her. It was quite funny, but I didn't want to torture her for my own amusement. She is now eating food two times a day along with her regular bottles.

Ella went to see the Easter bunny on Friday evening! She wasn't very impressed, but at least we got a cute picture.

Friday, April 07, 2006

We have more good news on the eating situation! Ella ate acorn squash last night! She had to have her trusty cookie in her hand at all times, but she ate the squash from a spoon in between cookie bites. Daddy plans to feed her some cereal and pears for lunch today. Maybe she is finally getting over her hatred of food!

On another note, I think we are going to take Ella to see the Easter bunny tonight. Not that she will know who the Easter bunny is - or care.

Monday, April 03, 2006

A miracle happened tonight. Ella ate! No fussing, no pursing of the lips, no turning of the head - just eating! I was amazed. It took 2 months and no less than 6 people, but we finally outsmarted her! I took the teething biscuit that she likes so much and dipped it in some yummy sweet potatoes. Then, I gave her the biscuit and she chomped on it! Then, I did it again, and she ate more! Then, I took a huge risk and tried the spoon. She ate the sweet potatoes off the spoon!!! I had to sneak the spoon in between cookie bites, but it worked! She ate an entire tablespoon of sweet potatoes. I was feeling lucky, so I thought I'd try a tablespoon of rice cereal. I did the same trick - dipping the cookie in the cereal. She fell for it again!! Six-month olds are so gullible. She ate an entire tablespoon of rice cereal!!! I was shocked, amazed, and utterly ecstatic! I only hope she won't figure it out and realize that I'm tricking her. As you can see from the pictures, it was a messy, but successful adventure.

Ella went to her (2nd?) cousin's wedding this weekend. Catrina Deer (Stanton) became Catrina...something - I forgot. Anyway, she met loads of (2nd?) cousins who all adored her. She
had a great time with her Papaw, Nana, and Uncle Jason, too!
I'm sorry about the small lapse in posting last week. I've been busy!

We got some teething biscuits for Ella on Thursday night. She took right to them and started chomping away and gumming them down! So, needless to say I was excited that she might actually want to eat something. I pulled out the pears again and tried to feed her some. She purshed her lips, turned her head, and cried. She wanted nothing to do with the pears. So, I tried some sweet potatoes. Same thing. I put some butternut squash in a baby safe feeder because I thought maybe she would like to feed herself. She cringed, made horrible faces, and even gagged at the taste of the squash. Then I put sweet potatoes in a tri-cut nipple. Yes, I actually put sweet potatoes in a bottle - I'm desperate! She sucked and sucked and I think she got just a little bit out. Apparently those tri-cut nipples are worthless because Ella can't even suck plain formula out of those things! I'm thinking of cutting the whole tip off of one of the nipples to see if she will eat the food that way. I'm also considering scraping our entire frozen stash of baby food and starting over. I think she may eat if she can actually pick up a piece of food, put it in her mouth, and chew. Maybe she just isn't into pureed food. Maybe she wants food like Mommy and Daddy eat. I have to admit, she did reach for the ribs Chuck ate last night, and she is very interested every time we eat. I didn't realize feeding a baby would be so difficult! I thought I would just blend up some food and she would love it and gobble it right down! Well, she proved me wrong once again.
I've learned to never assume anything when it comes to Ms. Ella. Here is a list of my assumptions that have been wrong:
1. I would have an easy, vaginal delivery.
2. Ella would take right to breastfeeding - no problem!
3. Ella would switch easily from breast to bottle.
4. Ella would be a fairly small baby.
5. Ella would enjoy eating - she is a "big" girl after all.
6. Ella would be able to wear newborn size socks and hats when she was a newborn.
7. I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now.