Friday, June 24, 2011

31 weeks, 3 days

Another ultrasound yesterday (6/23) revealed that baby boy is sort of taking over in there. His estimated weight is 4lbs 4oz, and the baby girl is estimated to weigh just 3lbs. That is a 30% difference as opposed to the 20% difference three weeks ago. So, the doctor would now like me to come in for weekly ultrasounds (biophysical profiles to be exact) to ensure that both babies continue to get what they need. The good news is that both seem to be doing just fine individually, there is just a difference in their sizes.

As far as I'm concerned, I haven't gained any weight in about a month (still at about 38lbs total gain), my feet tingle when I stand, my hands are swollen, and sleeping is becoming more difficult. None of these things seemed to concern the doctor, so I guess I'm doing okay.

I am really looking forward to the baby shower on Sunday as it should be a fun time and a much needed break from the monotony of sitting around at home!

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