Saturday, April 04, 2009

Saint Louis Day 3 - The City Museum and Aunt Lisa, Bethany, and Baby Z

The City Museum was pretty cool, but a little too old for the girls. Anna and Daddy had fun on the rolly slide.
The architecture/art of The City Museum is amazing.

The biggest hit of the day - the ball pit.

Anna's favorite - a turtle! She even got to pet a few tortoises at the World Aquarium inside the City Museum.
Shortly after entering the City Museum, my camera battery died. It is annoying that way - going from full bars to zero in the blink of an eye. What I didn't get pictures of:
Cutting out snowflakes
Making clay sculptures
Making masks
Lots of animals at the aquarium
Lots of cool architecture/art - industrial, caves, a huge outdoor industrial playground

I saved the last bit of my camera battery to get a picture of Z, my cousin Bethany's baby. He is a doll and almost as big as Anna, but he is only 10 months!

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