Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009!

After a long day of food and family time, the Pearsall's headed home for some family pics and tree trimming.

First, the sweet girls.
Then, we attempted to get a self-portrait of the whole family, which is much harder than you would think.

After family pictures and trying to figure out why some of the lights don't work on our tree, we started hanging up ornaments.Then I couldn't resist taking some more pictures of the girls.
Ella just LOVES her new dress...

At the end of the day when both girls are tucked in their beds, it is easy to see we have so much to be thankful for.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ella the artist.


Moon and Stars



Friday, November 06, 2009

Height predictor results from BabyCenter:

Ella 5'5"
Anna 5'7"

Both significantly taller than me, and I'm okay with that. Maybe they can actually buy pants that are the right length right off the rack!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

The girls had their yearly checkup today!

Ella at 4yrs - 41 inches tall (75%), 40 pounds (75%), 5 shots (4 regular vaccines and 1 H1N1 vaccine), and an ear infection

Anna at 2yrs - 35.5 inches tall (75%), 25 pounds (20%), 2 shots (1 regular vaccine and 1 H1N1 vaccine), and an ear infection

Both girls are just perfect, no problems except the ear infections!